You can scroll down or quickly jump to the English version through the table of contents.
原本想寫一篇 Heptabase 的推坑文,因為我實在是太愛他了
這篇文章以尋找一個終身伴侶的角度來比喻 Heptabase
直接在 Heptabase 裡面拆解這篇稍微長的文章試試看吧!
一直以來我們都在找一個「對的人」,Heptabase 給了我們承諾的美好
直到遇見了 Heptabase ,終於讓我們停止「騎驢找馬」,這個千載難逢的機會,就讓我們勇敢追愛一次,給自己一次機會試用七天,保證你會愛上他。
同樣的,Heptabase 作為一個「對的筆記軟體」,他提供了一塊自由無比的白板,讓你能夠在白板上恣意地擺放卡片、白板上的任何元素之間都能夠做連結,除此之外,他沒有太多困難的插件、公式、資料庫、排版需要學習,是真正的開箱即用
我們以結婚為前提在尋找下一個筆記軟體,直到 Heptabase 給了我們這些承諾
Heptabase 給了值得你付出的承諾
我們總會希望能夠找到完美的免費 All in one 筆記軟體,經過你我多年地尋覓,事實證明那是不存在的,現在市面上免費的筆記軟體雖然有一定的價值,但往往在某方面存在限制,所以好的產品、專業是需要尊重、收費的。
例如前陣子 Evernote 突然限縮免費用戶最多只能建立 50 則筆記跟 1 個記事本分類,而 Heptabase 一開始就像用戶收費,不會有「養套殺」的問題,但這也是因為……
Heptabase 為了長期營運的承諾
在公司成立之初,他們就向 Y Combinator、HOF Capital、Kleiner Perkins、Moving Capital 等許多一流的矽谷的投資機構和投資人籌集了將近 170 萬美元(5300多萬台幣)的種子輪資金,第一年就讓現金流轉正,這兩年期間完全沒有花到這些投資人的錢。
在這段期間,Heptabase 的支出都是來自於公司的營收,所以訂閱 Heptabase,你也是投資人之一,你也是在幫助公司營運下去,並且跟他共同成長,同時也會關注他的成長且充滿期待。
身為投資人,為了讓產品更好,我們也會透過官方提供的各種管道回報 bug 跟提出功能請求。
Heptabase 的價格
Heptabase 目前有提供月費制及訂閱制兩種訂閱方式
月訂閱制為 11.99 美金/月 (約 375 台幣/月)
年訂閱制為 8.99 美金/月 (約 280 台幣/月)
Heptabase 沒有免費版,但一個月三百塊台幣左右,讓你學習效率大增
如果你還在觀望 Heptabase,我的連結可以免費試用七天
(ps 需要使用電腦點擊連結、註冊,如果你正在使用手機閱讀,一定要回來點選)
Heptabase 對於你的愛,是他的未來藍圖裡有你,他正規劃著有彼此的未來
Heptabase 團隊希望創造一個任何人都能有效地深入理解任何事物、複雜主題的世界\
而 Heptabase 團隊的目標從始至終都是打通「探索 → 收集 → 思考 → 創作 → 分享」的知識生命週期
視覺化是他達成目的額外手段,事實上一般筆記軟體能夠做到的, Heptabase 也都能做到,現在做不到的,也都規劃在內。
Heptabase 打算用打通知識生命週期陪你走過沒有盡頭的學習旅程
所以在規劃的版本裡,我們都能看到未來會實現的功能,而且隨著需求與科技,充滿更多可能,例如 筆記與 AI 的配合未來也會實現,但他們正在思考如何在這一方面做得更好。
以最近(本文撰寫當下是2024.01.23)的例子來說,就是右側欄的大升級、筆記目錄架構、卡片資訊欄小改版、白板的歷史版本、字符計算、Journal 跟 Todo 的功能升級等等,每一項更新都是令人興奮的功能。
我從來沒有像這樣,不斷地去關注一個軟體的 Wiki、Roadmap,看看下一步、現在更新到哪了,就像在玩遊戲一樣,有種得到小道消息的愉悅感,而現在我每天最期待的驚喜,就是這個藍色橫槓突然跳出來!
兌現解決複雜問題的承諾,Heptabase 沒有誇大其詞
作為一款更適合稱為「學習軟體」的筆記軟體,Heptabase 沒有愧對他們一直宣稱的產品功能
Heptabase 的內容跟功能相當豐富,顏值又高,現在我每天打開電腦第一件事就是打開 Heptabase,好像每天都想見到的情人。
雖然「複雜的問題」經常出現在 Heptabase 的介紹文中,但什麼是複雜問題?
然而,「複雜問題」真的不需要太複雜,我們生活周遭有許多困擾著我們的問題,就可以堪稱「複雜問題」了,所以你不需要一個理由是「我需要做學術研究」才投入 Heptabase 的懷抱
雖然不想這麼篤定,但我認為 Heptabase 真的可以是 All in one 了
Heptabase 真的幫助我解決很多生活、工作及學習上的問題,以下是我眾多白板跟主題之中的四個例子,未來我會再撰寫更多相關情境與案例
- 瞭解 Home assistant 架設智能家庭 對於完全不懂網路概念、水電、淘寶、NAS、各家品牌,並且全部整合到 Homekit 裡面的我,透過 Heptabase 的整合成功,打造了我的智能家庭。
- 育兒相關知識與需知 身為一位新手爸爸,老婆與我在這未知領域探索的育兒路上,充滿了許多焦慮,有許多育兒的知識必須瞭解,深怕因為自己的照顧不佳對孩子造成傷害,我也為此開設一塊白板收集相關的知識,並且將育兒書籍讀到的重要觀念及情形都放進去,我也將未來要怎麼教養小孩開設了一塊白板,為了教育小孩,同時我也必須提昇自己,真的是感謝育兒路上有 Heptabase 的陪伴
- 時間管理、專案管理 在 Heptabase 中,你可以用標籤來達成像那樣的資料庫(database),你也可以在白板上管理你的時間、專案,很特別的是這種視覺化的效果,在別的筆記軟體中式做不到的。 而且你還可以客製化自己喜歡的文字形式放到白板上,真的很讚
- 研究任何我有興趣的主題 因為文章篇幅關係,在此就先不多說,大部分人及官方的展示都已經介紹過這部分
Heptabase 共同成長的承諾,我們不要這麼算了好不好?
- 求助無門:我們不知道該去哪、該要找誰
- 困難重重:儘管找到了申訴管道,重重地行政關卡總會讓我們放棄提出需求
- 敷衍打發:有一句話是這麼說的「解決問題的最好辦法就是解決提出問題的人」,或者讓這個問題不存在,所以我們常常得到一個被敷衍的解答,其實問題一直存在那裡困繞著我們
語言的隔閡更是一大阻礙,儘管現在有許多種翻譯軟體,但是光多了翻譯這一個步驟,等於多了好多步驟,除了複製貼上、還要確認翻譯過來的東西是不是符合要表達的意思,另一個問題是,我本來英文就不好了,要怎麼確認 XD?
這也是為什麼我超喜歡 Heptabase 的原因之一
在 Heptabase 你幾乎隨時有團隊人員可以用中文流暢地討論、提出需求跟回報 Bug(當然英文也可以),就算是操作上有問題也可以透過 in app 向官方發問,絕對不是機器人回應,而是由第一關的 customer manager PJ Wu ,通常他都可以解決你大部分的問題,如果這個問題需要更深一層的探討解決方式,就會由其他核心人物跟你討論,運氣好(?)的話,還有可能遇到 CEO 本人 — 詹雨安 Alan chan,好像在過什麼關卡一樣 XD
所以除了官方成員,你在 Discord 群組、Line 社群、Facebook 社團發問,不知道為什麼 Heptabase 的用戶就是比較熱心,通常你都可以很快地得到你要的解答,所以在 Heptabase 的宇宙裡,絕對不用害怕提出問題!
Heptabase 在移動端曾經有一段時間編輯器跟系統很卡頓,這些我在使用 Notion 跟 Obsidian 也都曾經遇過,也都回報過,但是 Notion 跟 Obsidian 應該都至少等了一年半載才變得「比較」順暢,但 Heptabase 則是在短短個幾個月內讓他變得順暢無比
除此之外,我應該曾經提出上百個的需求跟 Bug ,大部分都很完美地被解決,也有部分被排在 Backlog (未來會做的項目)
所以如果你還在觀望 Heptabase
(ps 需要使用電腦點擊連結、註冊,如果你正在使用手機閱讀,一定要回來點選)
Heptabase 作為一個成熟的人,也會適時的放手
因為即便有天您不打算繼續使用 Heptabase 了,也可以直接將所有筆記匯出成通用的 Markdown 文件。
Markdown 是一種筆記文件的通用格式,可以讓你把 Heptabase 中的筆記匯入到大多數主流筆記軟體中
如果只是單純地不想訂閱 Heptabase 了,你一樣可以保有你的筆記的權利,但會變成唯讀狀態,只能看不能編輯、新增筆記,而且還是可以導出你所有的筆記。
Heptabase 也預期了可能會有不得不分離的那天,雖然對彼此的離別感到遺憾,他們在資料方面給足了承諾,確保即使分道揚鑣,我們的筆記仍然得到妥善的保存,並給予祝福,讓我們帶著筆記到下一個目的地。
Heptabase 作為一個帶我們成長的人,「後路」也幫我們規劃好了
我也期望 Heptabase 能夠讓我用到老,然而,天下無不散的宴席
在 Can I easily export my data and move on? 這篇官方文檔中提到
在最壞的情況下,倘若 Heptabase 的公司有天不幸關閉,我們將開源 Heptabase 並與用戶社群一起維護,讓這個產品可以繼續被人開發、使用。
所以相信這麼多熱愛 Heptabase 的人,一定會有人努力、繼續延續這份愛的,完全不用擔心
此外,Heptabase 對於用戶反饋的迅速響應和對功能持續的優化,都證明他們對用戶需求的重視和對產品質量的堅持。
作為一款「學習軟體」,Heptabase 絕對值得你的信賴和投資。
如果你還在觀望 Heptabase,給自己,也給 Heptabase 一個機會試試
English verison
Heptabase: A Soulmate in Note-Taking Software, Ending the Quest for the Ultimate All-in-One Solution
I initially intended to write a brief recommendation for Heptabase, simply because I am profoundly enamored with it.
However, a single title unexpectedly evolved into an extensive 4,000-word article, prompting me to convert it into a full-fledged piece.
This article analogizes Heptabase to the search for a lifelong partner.
If you’re on the lookout, consider clicking this link for a 7-day free trial and delve into this lengthy article directly within Heptabase!
Our Eternal Quest for “The One” Finds Solace in Heptabase’s Promise
The journey to discover the next best note-taking software is a familiar one.
We’ve all been there, toggling between different apps, aiming to alleviate the challenges we encounter in learning, working, and living. I, myself, have experimented with no less than ten different note-taking tools. Despite their merits, the question lingers: why do we continue this relentless search?
It’s akin to personal relationships, where moments of frustration make you contemplate a breakup. The discord often stems from unmet expectations or an uneasy coexistence.
Despite your willingness to adapt and make compromises, the hierarchical and conventional note-taking frameworks can feel confining. It’s as if you were never truly compatible to begin with, but continued solely based on others’ recommendations. When thoughts of breaking up surface, persuasions to stay prevail, leading to a reluctant continuation.
That is until Heptabase entered the scene, halting our endless pursuit for better alternatives. This rare opportunity emboldens us to chase this love, offering ourselves a chance to explore a 7-day trial, guaranteeing an inevitable infatuation.
A worthy partner empowers you to be yourself, free from control, fostering growth without undue pressure.
In the same vein, Heptabase, as the “right note-taking software,” provides an immensely liberating canvas. Here, you can freely arrange cards, link any elements on the canvas, and all without the hassle of complex plugins, formulas, databases, or formatting learning curves. It’s genuinely a plug-and-play experience.
Marrying the Idea of the Next Note-Taking Software, Solidified by Heptabase’s Promises
Stability is a universal pursuit, and I’m no exception. The thought of transferring extensive and precious notes is a pain we all dread. Hence, when adopting a new product, we scrutinize its price, reviews, and the company’s stability.
Allow me to introduce Heptabase across several facets: pricing, financial aspect, data management, usability, and customer support.
Heptabase’s Commitments Worth Investing In
The dream of a perfect, free, all-in-one note-taking software remains just that—a dream. Our collective years of searching have made it clear that while free note-taking apps offer value, they often come with limitations. Quality products and professionalism warrant respect and a price tag.
For those who’ve been burned in relationships, the fear of abandonment is real. Likewise, for those hurt by note-taking apps, the dread of being “baited and switched” is palpable. For instance, Evernote’s recent restriction for free users to a mere 50 notes and a single notebook category sent ripples across its user base. Heptabase, however, has been upfront about its pricing, avoiding the dreaded “bait and switch” scenario. This stems from
Heptabase’s Commitment to Long-term Operations
From its inception, the company garnered nearly $1.7 million (over 53 million TWD) in seed funding from esteemed institutions like Y Combinator, HOF Capital, Kleiner Perkins, Moving Capital, among others. Achieving positive cash flow in its first year, the subsequent years didn’t even necessitate dipping into investor funds.
Heptabase’s expenditures are solely covered by its revenue. By subscribing to Heptabase, you essentially become one of its investors, aiding its operations and growth. As a stakeholder, your growth is intertwined with the company’s, and you naturally look forward to its progress.
Being an investor also means actively participating in product improvement by reporting bugs and suggesting new features through official channels.
I firmly believe in Heptabase’s longevity, foreseeing at least a decade of seamless utility.
Heptabase’s Pricing
Heptabase currently offers two subscription models:
- Monthly subscription: $11.99 (approximately 375 TWD/month)
- Annual subscription: $8.99 (approximately 280 TWD/month)
While Heptabase doesn’t have a free version, a monthly fee of around 300 TWD significantly boosts your learning efficiency.
A 7-day free trial is currently available.
If you’re still contemplating Heptabase, my link offers a 7-day free trial.
(PS: Click the link and register using a computer. If you’re reading this on a mobile device, ensure to revisit and click the link.)
Heptabase’s Love for You Is Evident in Its Future Blueprints, Planning a Future Together
Heptabase’s team aspires to create a world where anyone can deeply understand any matter or complex subject. Their unwavering goal is to streamline the knowledge lifecycle from “exploration → collection → contemplation → creation → sharing.”
Visualization is merely an additional tool to achieve this goal. Heptabase can do everything typical note-taking software can, and what it currently can’t is already in the roadmap.
Heptabase is like a partner committed to a future together, having already envisioned marriage, children, and a lifetime with you. It’s also like a prudent parent, planning fallbacks and forward paths for you without hindering your freedom, and ensuring a legacy for you if it’s gone first.
Heptabase aims to accompany you through an endless learning journey by streamlining the knowledge lifecycle.
The planned versions reveal an array of upcoming features, brimming with potential, such as the integration of notes and AI, a domain they’re contemplating to master.
What excites users the most is their pace and quality of updates. Each update is impactful, and in the early stages, updates were impressively frequent, focusing on optimizations and introducing new features. Even as they tackle more significant challenges like sync conflicts, they continue to release thrilling new functionalities.
As of recently (this article is written on 2024.01.23), notable updates include a major upgrade to the sidebar, note directory structure, minor tweaks to the card information panel, version history for the canvas, character count, and enhanced Journal and Todo features. Each update introduces exciting new capabilities.
I’ve never been so keen on following a software’s Wiki and Roadmap, eagerly anticipating the next steps and current progress. It feels like receiving insider information in a game. And now, the most thrilling part of
my day is witnessing this blue progress bar pop up unexpectedly!
Eagerly awaiting the appearance of this blue progress bar every day
Delivering on the Promise to Solve Complex Problems, Heptabase Is No Exaggeration
As a note-taking software that’s more aptly termed ‘learning software,’ Heptabase lives up to its proclaimed functionalities.
“It helps you research and solve complex problems through visualization, leading to a deeper understanding.”
Heptabase’s content and features are rich and aesthetically pleasing. Now, opening Heptabase is the first thing I do every day on my computer, akin to eagerly wanting to see a beloved partner daily.
Its applications are vast, effortlessly breaking down complex problems across life, work, and various domains, enhancing comprehension and understanding.
Although “complex problems” frequently appear in Heptabase’s descriptions, what exactly are they?
They are essentially issues that cannot be fully comprehended by the brain alone and require concrete ‘visualization’ such as writing or drawing to break down vast topics or concepts. This helps in recognizing the connections between different elements at a glance, thus facilitating better understanding.
Once we grasp a concept, memorization becomes effortless, much like understanding the mechanics of everyday life around us.
Although I hesitate to be so definitive, I genuinely believe Heptabase can be your All-in-One solution
However, “complex problems” don’t necessarily have to be overly intricate. Many issues troubling us in our daily lives can be considered “complex problems.” Therefore, you don’t need the reason of conducting ‘academic research’ to embrace Heptabase.
Heptabase has indeed solved numerous issues in my life, work, and learning. Here are four examples from my multitude of boards and topics, with more detailed scenarios and case studies to come in the future:
- Understanding Home Assistant for Smart Home Setup For someone completely unfamiliar with internet concepts, plumbing, Taobao, NAS, various brands, and integrating everything into Homekit like me, Heptabase’s integration has successfully built my smart home.
- Knowledge and Essentials of Parenting As a new father, my wife and I embarked on this unknown journey of parenting filled with anxiety. There’s much to understand about childcare, fearing that inadequate care might harm the child. I set up a board to collect relevant knowledge and included critical concepts and scenarios from parenting books. I also created a board about how to educate the child in the future. Indeed, I must elevate myself for parenting, and for this, I am grateful for Heptabase’s companionship.
- Time and Project Management In Heptabase, you can use tags to create something akin to a database. You can also manage your time and projects on the board. The visual effect is unique and something other note-taking software can’t achieve. Plus, you can customize and add your preferred text styles to the board, which is fantastic.
- Researching Any Topic of Interest Due to article length, I won’t delve into this here, but most people and official showcases have already covered this part.
Heptabase’s Promise of Mutual Growth, Can We Not Calculate So Much?
Original image source: (Please inform if any offense is taken)
Let’s recall a scenario where we face problems at work/school/life, be it with equipment, emotions, or conflicts. Seeking help often leads us to several situations:
- No one to turn to: We don’t know where to go or who to approach.
- Obstacles galore: Even if we find a channel to voice our concerns, bureaucratic hurdles often discourage us from proceeding.
- Superficial solutions: There’s a saying, “The best way to solve a problem is to eliminate the person who presents it,” or make the problem nonexistent. Hence, we often receive superficial solutions, while the real issues continue to haunt us.
Most note-taking software on the market is developed by Western teams. Language aside, getting to the core members of the official team is a mystery. Although they provide feedback channels, responses are not always prompt, especially via email.
Language barriers pose another significant hurdle. Even with numerous translation software available, the extra steps of translation, including copy-pasting and ensuring the translated content conveys the intended meaning, can be cumbersome. Additionally, if my English is not strong, how can I be sure of the accuracy? XD
Moreover, software from Western countries often experiences compatibility issues with Chinese, leading to editor lag. Sometimes, due to a smaller Chinese user base, issues like character selection may never get addressed.
This is one of the reasons why I adore Heptabase.
Prompt Responses and a Warm Community Atmosphere
In Heptabase, team members are almost always available for fluent discussions in Chinese, addressing needs and reporting bugs (English works too). Whether it’s operational issues or queries, you can directly inquire via in-app messaging, and rest assured, the responses are from humans, not bots. The first point of contact is usually the customer manager PJ Wu, who can resolve most issues. If a deeper discussion is needed, other core members, or even the CEO Alan Chan, might join the conversation. It feels like passing a level in a game XD.
Of course, constantly troubling the official team with minor issues can slow down or disrupt their development pace. So, besides the official team, you can ask questions in Discord groups, Line communities, and Facebook groups. For some reason, Heptabase users are particularly helpful, ensuring you get the answers you need swiftly. So, in Heptabase’s universe, you never have to fear asking questions!
They Care About You, Really Care About Your Experience
Heptabase’s mobile editor experienced some lag for a while, a problem I also encountered with Notion and Obsidian. Although I reported these issues, Notion and Obsidian took at least a year or more to become “somewhat” smooth. Heptabase, however, managed to resolve this in just a few months.
Additionally, I’ve probably raised hundreds of requests and bugs, most of which were perfectly addressed, while others were added to the backlog (future tasks).
So, if you’re still contemplating Heptabase, why not try my 7-day free trial link:
(PS: Remember to use a computer to click the link and register. If you’re reading this on a mobile device, make sure to come back and click.)
As a Mature Individual, Heptabase Also Knows When to Let Go
While we trust that solid financial status and operational planning can provide us with a sense of security in embracing Heptabase, our fickle hearts still worry about experiencing a [seven-year itch], wanting to switch to another note-taking software at some point, or perhaps temporarily unable to renew the subscription due to financial or other reasons. However, that’s okay.
Even if you decide not to continue with Heptabase, you can still export all your notes as universally compatible Markdown files.
Markdown is a universal note format that allows you to import your Heptabase notes into most mainstream note-taking software.
If you simply choose not to subscribe to Heptabase, you still retain the right to your notes, albeit in a read-only mode. You won’t be able to edit or add notes, but you can still export all your notes.
Heptabase also anticipates the possibility of parting ways. Although it’s regrettable, they’ve made commitments in terms of data, ensuring that even if our paths diverge, our notes are properly preserved. They bid us farewell with blessings, allowing us to carry our notes to our next destination.
The term “seven-year itch” refers to a psychological notion that happiness or satisfaction in a relationship may decline around the seventh year of a marriage or long-term partnership. This concept suggests that after seven years, partners may experience a sense of restlessness or a desire for change, potentially leading to extramarital affairs or a reevaluation of the relationship. The phrase was popularized by the 1955 film “The Seven Year Itch,” but it’s used more broadly to describe a stage where the initial excitement and novelty in a relationship have worn off, and the reality of long-term commitment sets in.
As a Companion in Our Growth, Heptabase Has Also Planned Our ‘Backup Plans’
I hope to use Heptabase for a long time, but all good things come to an end.
As mentioned in the official document Can I easily export my data and move on?,
In the worst-case scenario, if Heptabase’s company unfortunately shuts down one day, we will open-source Heptabase and maintain it with the user community, allowing the product to continue being developed and used.
So, rest assured that the many who love Heptabase will strive and continue this legacy of love.
Heptabase is not just a note-taking tool; it’s more like a soulmate that understands your needs, accompanying us through the ups and downs of life, work, and learning challenges.
It offers a free, intuitive, and powerful platform for users to effectively organize thoughts and information. The clean interface and robust visualization capabilities make organizing and building information a breeze.
Moreover, Heptabase’s prompt response to user feedback and continual optimization of features demonstrate their commitment to user needs and product quality.
As a ‘learning software,’ Heptabase is undoubtedly worthy of your trust and investment. Although it’s a paid software, considering the efficiency and convenience it offers, it’s a worthwhile investment.
If you’re still considering Heptabase, give yourself and Heptabase a chance to try it out.
I have a 7-day free trial link here:
But I have one request
Remember to use the desktop version to click this link and register for the trial
Consider it buying me a hot Americano, giving me the motivation to continue producing quality articles and videos
I’m also planning to create tutorial videos, so any questions or tutorial requests are welcome!
哈哈哈~ 很高興你有這個體驗
心靈出軌給 alan 跟 PJ 了 🤫